10 of the Most Hated Cities in the World
You will be surprised to learn that the city you love most and die to visit is the one that many people hate most in the world. That is normal since our needs are divergent thus what you love is another person’s poison.
However, you need not ignore the concerns of such people because they will be talking from their experience. It is important that you scrutinize their claims and see whether they hold any water. That way, you will be able to make a choice on whether proceeding to visit your favorite city is the right decision or not.
Selectively, these are the top ten most hated cities in the world and reasons given out for that. Consider wisely in choosing where to spend your holiday.

This is a Mexican city that not many people will love to pay a visit. It is a crime city where criminal activities are prevalent and drug trafficking is a common thing. You will have to do with the illegal activities of drug cartels that run the affairs of the city. To add salt to injury, economic recession has hit the city making life an expensive affair while disease outbreaks are very popular in Tijuana.

Even though Paris is considered to be a suitable tourist destination in France, you will discover some petty issues that push visitors out of the city. In many hotels, waiters and waitresses are very discourteous, dog poop is scattered all over making the streets untidy and life is generally expensive in Paris. These are reasons enough for you or any other interested visitors to give Paris a big miss.

Air pollution is the biggest problem that makes this Egyptian city a no-go area for many visitors. The World Health Organization has pointed out to uncontrolled smoking as a big cause to breathing contaminations that needs to be checked. Other unpleasant things that make Cairo hated by many people are constant demonstrations by pro and anti-government supporters, traffic snarl-up that last for hours and overpopulation.

If you are traveling to Indonesia then expects some demanding experience in Jakarta. There are many challenges that you will experience and horrible surprises that Jakarta offers to its visitors. The city is choked with long traffic jams compounded by high number of visitors arriving; poverty levels are high while pollution has taken over as the biggest distraction. Visit Jakarta only if you are prepared to endure all that with minimal or no complaints.
New Delhi

This is the only city where scammers are on the loose right at the airports, train stations and even hotel rooms. India is well known to be a good tourist destination but the bad record of New Delhi sweeps everything down the drain. When there, visitors walk in and around the city with great caution to avoid being conned which raises the question of security. Touts are known to be the lead cons in the city and you should avoid their contact s much as you can to remain safe. At least you can understand the agony of people who hate the city.

This city in Mali is a preserve for the courageous visitors only since its weather is harsh and unfavorable to do anything constructive or enjoyable. Its proximity to the desert makes Mali an awfully hot country and Timbuktu is truly reflective of that. There are no notable attractions to bring around tourists for even a weekend out while most of the city sections are covered by sand. This is surely not the ideal place for visitors to visit and they are justified to hate Timbuktu for whatever reason.

Lima in Peru is way ahead of several other Latin American cities but it is pulled back by some annoying attributes that chase visitors away. Interestingly, many locals are never surprised that international visitors skip their city because it is ugly, boring and a dangerous trap to get into. What about smog? It has everything to do with the global hate that tourists harbor about Lima. Above that, global media has always been awash with stories of how Lima is unsafe and insecure for visitors contributing to the hate.
Melbourne and Sydney

These Australian cities are not any good as they are hated in equal measure. Both cities have previously hosted global sporting events that have done a lot in exposing their worst nature fuelling visitors’ hate. To make matters worse, the residents of both cities hate each other which trace its history back to their founding days. These are personal issues that should not inform your decision not to visit any of the cities. But, what does it say when locals hate their own city? A lot is left to be desired.
Belize City

This is a hub for drug trafficking, crime and dilapidation which are the source of the hate many visitors have for the city. You will be risking your life if darkness gets you outdoors. There are always advisories for people to remain indoors at night and restrict movement since security agents are overpowered by criminals. In very simple words, Belize is not a safe place for visitors to spend holiday. It is unfortunate that local media in Belize has always given an impression of a city in the sun while the reality is directly opposite of that.
Los Angeles

If you thought there is no noise in the USA then visit Los Angeles and you will run away covering your ears. This has been the biggest undoing for the city as visitors opt to stay away other than gets subjected to the annoying noises. Locals seem used to the noise and have no issue with that but its least of your concerns. On top of other things chasing visitors away from Los Angeles include constant earthquakes, traffic snarl-up, smog and race riots which bring about insecurity. If Los Angeles has always been your dream city to visit, beware that somebody somewhere hates it for many reasons.