Most Tactical Tourist Scams to Avoid When Exploring the Globe
There are too many enchanting destinations across the globe but do not let the mischievous ones ruin your adventure. Be aware of these scams and know how to avoid them.
In my travels, one thing that I always keep in mind is the importance of staying alert and keeping my eyes wide open. Why? Because amidst the beauty that many tourist destinations offer, you might encounter some of the scoundrels who might ruin your vacation. Here are some of the most notorious ones which you might want to avoid when you go travelling.
Tea Room Scam
There is no doubt that Shanghai is such a wonderful place and its boisterous atmosphere can really be very entertaining. However, while enjoying the pleasant hustle and bustle of the city, you might want to keep your defences high especially if you are suddenly approached by what seems like harmless students who just want a plain and friendly conversation.
True enough, while I was walking the streets of Shanghai, I have been approached about 2 to 3 times by a group of girls. They started up a good conversation and told me that they wanted to show me a nice tea house. Since I know where this would lead, I just politely turned both groups down. Supposedly, these girls would bring tourists to the tea house, encourage them to order a beverage or a light snack and before leaving, the tourists would be handed with a bill that is almost ten times the amount of the actual consumption. The key is to just avoid going with strangers.
Taxi Touts
Yes, maybe this isn't so bad and for me, this was quite forgiveable when it happened to me. However, it is still something to be alert about. Upon arriving in Bangkok, I was instantly scolding myself why I didn't arrange for a car hire. I ended up taking what is supposed to be a cab ride to the hotel but interestingly, the vehicle looks like a private car. Yes, I was charged with much more than what I should be paying for a cab. Hence, when you go around Bangkok, make sure to take cabs which are properly painted and labelled with the company’s name.
Pick Pocket
You wouldn't think France is also tattered with pick pockets, right? Well, I didn't too. Interestingly, people who are engrossed with the beauty of this place while walking along the busy streets are the primary target of those who strategically slash bags to obtain wallets and other valuables. Bringing backpacks is a big no no! Instead, opt for a sling bag which you can keep close to your body so others would not be able to access it easily.
Fake Money
This could happen anywhere, whether you are visiting the hospitable Canada or the welcoming land down under, Australia. The key is to have your money exchanged only in reputable banks, in the airport or in bigger chain of money changers. Stay away from shady kiosks or individuals who will personally approach you and offer exchange of money but will end up giving you fake ones.
Dirty Shoes Scam
Though not very hurtful, this could cause a lot of hassle and can rip off some good cash from your wallet. A lot of tourists in Cairo and Delhi have become victims of this. A man would approach you to clean your shoes because it has feces and a whole lot of mud. Truth is, a person who is working in cahoots with the shoe cleaner actually dumped that dirt on your shoes while you were too busy looking around.