Road Trip Ideas & Planning

Alaska and Canada are winter wonderlands that people can easily drive through, thanks to the ALCAN Highway. Planning for this highway, which is a stretch of road from Canada to Alaska that measures more than 1,380 miles, began in the earlie... [continue reading]

Named by the American motoring website as the "greatest driving road in the world", the Jebel Hafeet Mountain Road in the United Arab Emirates is not as long a stretch as many of the other routes we have reviewed in the past. Th... [continue reading]

With its dramatic landscapes and raw, pristine beauty, the Tasman Peninsula in the southeastern part of Tasmania, Australia, is undeniably one of the most beautiful places in the world. Named after the legendary Dutch explorer Abel Tasman, ... [continue reading]

The mere name of this destination—the Skeleton Coast—is enough to inspire fear among travelers. Surprisingly, though, the name did not completely stem from a dark, murderous past (that possibly involves pirates)—the coast is named for the s... [continue reading]

Colorado is a state fondly nicknamed as the "Switzerland of America", thanks to its beautiful landscapes filled with green meadows and snow-capped peaks. Motoring enthusiasts can best enjoy the Alpine-like views without leaving the United S... [continue reading]

The Pan-American Highway is something that we highly recommend to those who are in search of the exotic experience of the Americas. This highway traverses through North American countries (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua,... [continue reading]

Oman, located in the eastern corner of the Arabian Peninsula, is one of the most exciting destinations for motoring enthusiasts—especially for those who like driving around in 4x4 vehicles that you can fill up with relatively cheap oil. The... [continue reading]

If you are looking for a truly exciting road trip, you do not have to look elsewhere: you have to drive through the Atlantic Road in Norway. Known in Norwegian as the Atlanterhavsveien, the Atlantic Road is a five-mile road that is part of ... [continue reading]

The Iron Curtain has long been lifted, and more and more adventurers, travelers, and motorists are discovering the wonders of Eastern Europe. [continue reading]

Many refer to the Karakoram Highway as the Eighth Wonder of the World, and while this claim might raise some eyebrows, it is easy to understand why. This highway is the highest paved international road in the whole world, connecting the exo... [continue reading]