Car Hire Nicaragua
Many reputable car hire services Nicaragua will offer you unlimited mileage, so you need to understand what it entails. First off a rental car with limited mileage is likely to come cheaper than the one with unlimited mileage, but if you want to have free use of your rental and are likely to travel long distances of course unlimited is the way to go.
However, before you rev up the engine ensure that you ask a few questions to avoid excess charges. Find out which areas the unlimited mileage applies to because, in certain cases, it may apply to specific areas as opposed to allowing you to go where you please. For example, you are allowed unlimited mileage only within a particular city, town or states and cannot go beyond this. So be sure to clarify from the reputable rental car service Nicaragua, which areas you are allowed to use the rental car in.
Check the charges associated with the unlimited mileage. Normally reliable rental car services Nicaragua will offer a flat rate on limited mileage and you have to pay an additional charge if you go beyond the flat rate. On the other hand with unlimited mileage, you may have to pay a fee in exchange for the services. By comparing the different charges, you will be able to select the best choice based on your needs and budget.
When using reputable rent – a – car services Nicaragua you will be well equipped to make the right choice if you sit down and actually calculate a round figure of the miles you intend to cover during your trip. Take time to sit down with a map and calculate the miles by going through the route you are planning to drive through.
Once you have a rough number, add some extra miles in case of emergencies such as getting lost and so on. Use this figure to calculate what you would pay with unlimited mileage and limited mileage. Based on the figures you get, you can choose whichever is lower than the other between limited and unlimited mileage, to book your car from reliable rental services Nicaragua.
The bottom line with rental cars is to read the contract carefully. This will help you to be prepared for any eventuality and avoid extra charges you are unprepared for. Make sure you read areas of the contract agreement that are often ignored such as the terms and conditions section. If you still cannot understand what you are dealing with, then make a call to the car hire service Nicaragua offices to verify what is contained in your contract. You can ask the customer care representative to give you a clear outline of what you will be paying for, and if you can’t get a satisfactory answer then keep looking until you get a reputable rental car service Nicaragua that will satisfy you.