Car Hire Colombia
Located in the north-west side of the South American continent, this tropical country has an amazing geographical diversity and stunningly beautiful landscapes. Equally diverse is its culture with over 87 different Indian ethnic groups residing in the country. The climate of the region is dictated by the winds, humidity and height. On greater heights the temperature tends to drop. Being a tropical country, the country has plenty of rain and sun.
There are some wonderful places to see in Colombia. To start off with, Bogota, the capital city is like any modern cosmopolitan cities of the world with great high rise buildings, shopping centers, great nightlife and amazing cuisines. The city has some of the world’s most luxurious hotels where you can stay comfortably. San Andres Island and its sea of seven colors shall mesmerize you at the first look. It is a tremendous place for water sports, eco tourism or simply enjoying simple pleasures on the beach such as savoring great sea food, shopping on the beach or enjoying the live dance and music.
The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is one of the most popular places in Colombia. The bay offers unmatched archaeological sites, picturesque natural beauty of rivers, jungles and sea water, and an array of wild life to admire. You can enjoy the spectacular moments of sunrise at the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta and sunset at Taganga.
To sink into the natural aroma of coffee beans do not forget to visit the Coffee Triangle. Not only that, you can also find theme parks, buildings, golf courses and whole lot of adventure hidden in ecological trails in Coffee Triangle.
Medellin is Colombia second most important city with one of the most warm and friendly people on earth. The city is industrial hub of the country and also has some great landscape in the form of mountains and valleys making the city a not-to-miss destination. No wonder when travelling though Colombia it might turn out to be your favorite South American country.